Our Head Chef
I truly believe that spacing and balance are important aspects for both culinary arts and hospitality. We carefully take care of each and every one of our customers, to ensure that we provide a pleasant and comfortable dining experience for one and all.
Ichiro Ozaki
Born in Saitama Prefecture in 1969.
Having a father who was a sushi chef, Ichiro went into the food business himself.
After graduating from a culinary school, he started his career as a trainee chef at a traditional Japanese restaurant in Ginza, Tokyo,
At the same time, he explored the art of sushi all on his own. In 2006, at the age of 36, he opened Ozaki, which has been awarded one Michelin star in the Michelin Guide for 12 consecutive years. In 2024, at the age of 55, he decided to take culinary exploration to a new level by opening Ichi Azabu , a eco-friendly and sustainable restaurant in Azabujuban offering vegan cuisine and fresh seafood options.

小﨑 一郎
1969年生まれ、埼玉県出身。寿司職人の父を持ち、自らも食の道へ。調理師専門学校卒業後、銀座の割烹料理店などで和食の修業を積み、寿司は独学で探求。実家の寿司店で、寿司も料理も提供できる「寿司割烹」という新しいスタイルを始め、7年半試行錯誤を重ねた後、2006年、36歳で【麻布十番 おざき】を開店。12年連続でミシュランガイド東京1つ星を獲得。2024年、55歳で更なる新境地を開拓するべく、麻布十番にヴィーガン料理と魚料理を提供するサステナブルレストラン Ichi Azabu を開店。今に至る。
About Azabu Juban Ozaki
Azabu Juban Ozaki is a sushi kappo restaurant where you can enjoy both sushi and traditional Japanese cuisine.
We offer a wide selection of premium, domestic, natural, seasonal ingredients, such as premium grade tuna from a trusted wholesaler in the Toyosu market, hair crab and sea urchin from Hokkaido, all-natural tiger puffer fish, and the very rare five-year old suppon from Lake Hamanako.
The restaurant is located close to Azabu-juban Station, and it has one fully private room on the first floor and five private rooms on the second floor, in addition to the counter. Our interior design, furnishings, and tableware are designed with a genuine Japanese sophistication, making it a perfect place for important occasions such as business entertainment and anniversaries.
麻布十番おざき とは